FinSecure in the Media

Will Labor's home-buying scheme help brokers?

A Sydney broker has welcomed Labor’s plans to boost home ownership through its Help to Buy scheme saying any initiative to help home buyers was a good thing.

“It [buying a home] has certainly become more difficult over time with rising property prices, cost of living pressures and now the expected increase in interest rates,” said Fin Secure managing director Kristy Alam…

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FinSecure offers new solution to help first home buyers

Twelve months ago, Kristy Alam started FinSecure after realising first home buyers were struggling to buy property in a booming market.

With over 20 years’ experience in the finance industry and a focus on finding an alternative solution to mainstream lending and borrowing, Alam looked outside the box to help her clients…

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FinSecure unveils flexible SMSF policy changes

Mortgage management company FinSecure has injected a shot of flexibility into the self-managed super fund (SMSF) lending space, making it easier for borrowers to acquire investment properties through their SMSFs.

“We've gone up to 90% LVR on the SMSF product range, which now includes metro, non-metro, and regional plus residential and commercial,” said Matthew Fernihough (pictured above), executive officer at FinSecure.

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FinSecure scraps clawback on full doc product

FinSecure has eliminated clawbacks on its full-doc loan product and introduced options requiring only one year of financials for self-employed clients.

The decision comes as the Sydney-based mortgage manager goes “full steam ahead” in terms of growth and product development, according to executive officer Matt Fernihough, with five new offices expected to launch this year.

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FinSecure helps brokers go off panel

Sydney-based mortgage management company FinSecure has announced it will expand to the west coast of Australia on the back of its unique offering picking up steam.

The move westwards came as the industry increasingly requires brokers to extend their services and go off panel, with aggregators and lenders becoming more stringent.

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RBA pauses cash rate ahead of holiday season

With inflation coming in cooler than expected, the Reserve Bank of Australia gave homeowners a welcome gift this holiday season, pausing the cash rate at 4.35%.

Most economists saw this coming, with 82% (31/38) predicting a hold in December's Finder survey. Many pointed to wages finally keeping up with inflation, suggesting the economy might be on the right track.

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Brokers react to record decline in home values

Kristy Alam, of Sydney’s mortgage lender FinSecure Finance, said she had noticed demand had dropped following eight consecutive interest rate rises and the increasing pressure on living expenses.

“Overall consumer confidence is down and reduced borrowing power is also a key driver in decreased property prices,” Alam said.

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Mortgages for the self-employed: Is this the solution they've been waiting for?

After 20 years in mortgage lending, former RAMS broker Kristy Alam (pictured) recently noticed a gap in the market that she believed needed bridging. MPA spoke with the owner of FinSecure about the problems currently facing self-employed borrowers and first home buyers, and how her new offering aims to help…

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