
FinSecure provides niche product solutions and back-office support to our broking partners.

From following up outstanding information with the client to assisting with arranging settlement and post settlement management. FinSecure prides itself on being an extension of your business and supporting your clients throughout the loan process and beyond.

You may be partnered with an aggregator. In order to act within the requirements of best interest duty you may determine the client needs and objectives are best suited by referring them to FinSecure.

Once onboarded, the agreement in place is between FinSecure and your broking business. FinSecure act as the credit representative in the transaction. A referral agreement will be established with your business directly. FinSecure pay commission directly to your business including upfront and trail if you are a broker. We are not on an aggregator panel and as such partner directly with the mortgage broker or referrer.

If you are a broker and wanting to get direct accreditation you can complete the referrer onboarding form by clicking the button below. If you wish to discuss our loan solutions and product niches, please reach out to us at or call our team on 1300 FINSEC (1300 346 732).